
March 22, 2024

Disrict Communications

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澳门新葡京博彩区自豪地宣布澳门新葡京博彩区信贷流动项目的启动, funded by a generous grant of $499,840 from the Greater Texas Foundation. 这一变革性的倡议旨在创建一个面向学生的学位规划门户网站,以促进澳门新葡京博彩及其许多学院和大学合作机构之间的无缝转换.

“这项来自大德克萨斯基金会的慷慨资助标志着我们正在进行的工作的技术进步的关键时刻,为我们的学生提供无缝衔接的途径,” said Dr. Mike Flores, Alamo Colleges District Chancellor. “我们非常感谢大德克萨斯基金会的支持,并期待这个项目对无数学生的生活产生影响,让他们在大学之旅中更加轻松.”

The announcement occurred during an annual South & 德克萨斯州中部转学契约会议在澳门新葡京博彩区ACCESS大楼举行, 联合德州各学院和大学的领导,共同努力提高四年制学院或大学的转学效率.

澳门新葡京博彩地区学分流动项目将建立在澳门新葡京博彩的转学建议指南(TAGs)倡议的基础上. TAGs为希望转学到四年制大学的学生提供了一步一步的信息, 减少转学时间,确保所有学分都适用于学位. 该门户网站将向各大学提供有关信用适用情况的基本信息, estimated costs, admissions, advising, and financial aid.

“我们很自豪能加入澳门新葡京博彩,并为他们在转学咨询指南方面取得的惊人进展感到自豪,” said Sue McMillin, President and CEO of Greater Texas Foundation. “With the technical infrastructure this funding provides, 我们相信他们将继续提高学生的信用流动性,无论他们的高等教育追求把他们带到哪里.”


Since 2015, 澳门新葡京博彩区提供了无缝衔接的途径,通过标签引导学生成功. 当时,学生平均需要92个小时才能完成60个小时的学位. Students who start at the Alamo Colleges now earn their degree, which requires 60 semester credit hours, an average of 65.1 hours, compared to the Texas state average of 80 credit hours. 

Despite 80 percent of community college students intending to transfer, 2015-16学年在社区大学开始学习的学生中,只有三分之一成功转入四年制大学, according to a recent report. Half – 48 percent – of those upward transfers earned a bachelor’s degree. 

TAGs provide a two-year, 从澳门新葡京博彩到学生选择的大学,通过将每个大学专业所需的大学学位要求反向映射到澳门新葡京博彩的预科专业,逐门课程的人行横道. 这些无缝的转学途径允许学生转学学位适用性. 截至2023-2024学年,澳门新葡京博彩已经开发了3000多个标签. 

On average, TAGs provide $40,215 savings at public universities and $65,435 at private universities over a two year period. In 2020, the potential savings for the 8,324名学生转学并按照他们所选择的大学商定的标签,他们的收入为3.74亿美元.

About the Alamo Colleges District

At the Alamo Colleges District, 高质量的教育和可负担的费用为学生和校友提供了非凡的价值,他们是社区经济和文化的主要贡献者.

About Greater Texas Foundation

Greater Texas Foundation is a private foundation based in Bryan, Texas, that supports efforts to ensure all Texas students are prepared for, have access to, persist in, and complete a postsecondary education. Since its 2001 inception, 该基金会已经批准了超过1.48亿美元的拨款来支持德克萨斯州的学生. For more information, visit http://www.greatertexasfoundation.org/